fredag den 29. april 2016


Perhaps apfelstrudel — or mucus — in Leben und Meinungen von Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, Universal-Bibliotek Nr. 1441 [8], Philipp Reclam Jun. Stuttgart, 1982. — This beautiful very compressed yellow edition of Tristram Shandy was found at the "flohmarkt" at Mauerpark, Berlin, — in a 1.5 meters yellow row of other — also great titles in the Reclam series. 


Readers exclamation mark in Leben und Ansichten von Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, Galiani Verlag, Berlin 2015. Copy at the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek in Berlin. Stamped: "Pflicht Exemplar ZLB - Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin" and the annotation: "L432 Ster 50 h" in pencil on titlepage.

torsdag den 28. april 2016


Lots of * in Leben und Meinungen von Tristram Shandy Gentleman, Insel Verlag, Berlin 2013. Copy at the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek in Berlin. Stamped: "Pflicht Exemplar ZLB - Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin" on titlepage.
* [asterisk]: Figure used in printing and writing to indicate footnote, omission, etc.," late 14c., asterich, asterisc, from Late Latin asteriscus, from Greek asterikos "little star," diminutive of aster "star" (see astro- ). As a verb in english from 1733

tirsdag den 26. april 2016

Nur Ihre eigene Phantasie...

Printed frame for the readers drawing in Leben und Meinungen von Tristram Shandy Gentleman, Insel Verlag, Berlin 2013. Copy at the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek in Berlin. Stamped: "Pflicht Exemplar ZLB - Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin" on titlepage. 

mandag den 25. april 2016

Double Black

Spread with two black pages in Leben und Meinungen von Tristram Shandy Gentleman, Insel Verlag, Berlin 2013. Copy at the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek in Berlin. Stamped: "Pflicht Exemplar ZLB - Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin" on titlepage. 

onsdag den 20. april 2016

Shandy on Air

There is still time for the world — until 24th. april — to listen to the BBC4 Program ( ) where Melvyn Bragg with his guests Judith Hawly, John Mullan and Judith Newbould takes us on vividly digressive tour through Sterne and Shandy. 

onsdag den 23. marts 2016


Flourish line in: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. No. 40 in 'The World's Classics', Oxford University Press, 1966. Potlatch from our new neighbour Kælderantikvariatet. The antiquarian told us a memory from his time as a page at the Main Library in Århus;  in a copy of an english edition of 'Tristram Shandy' in the library, was written in pencil on the titlepage: "Shandylicious!"

lørdag den 19. marts 2016

The Plot Lines

in Das Leben und die Ansichten Tristram Shandys Neue Epikon Reihe, Paul List Verlag, Leipzig 1964

mandag den 14. marts 2016

The Plot Lines

in: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. By the Rev. Laurence Sterne, M.A. Printed in Leipzig 1849.

lørdag den 12. marts 2016

Black Hair

A black hair in Tristram Shandys levned og meninger (Borgen, 2004) 2. danish editionCopy at Vanløse Bibliotek  Reminds us of the story about the librarian Timothy Ryback, who in the remains of Hitler’s private library  located at the Library of Congress in Washington DC  between page 160 and 161 in Berlins Aufstieg zu Weltstadt, 1929 — finds "a wiry inch-long black hair that appears to be from a moustache".

torsdag den 10. marts 2016


Thumb in: Tristram Shandys levned og meninger 1st. danish ed. (Borgen, 1976). Copy at Bibliotekshuset Rhodosvej, Amager.

onsdag den 9. marts 2016


in Tristram Shandys levned og meninger (Borgen, 1976). Copy at Vanløse Bibliotek.

tirsdag den 8. marts 2016

Dog Ear

in: Tristram Shandys levned og meninger (Borgen, 2004) 2. danish edition. Copy at Sundby Bibliotek. Labeled "HB MUS" on cover. Stamped "Københavns Kommunes Hovedbibliotek. Dansk og Udenlandsk Skønlitteratur" and "Med Venlig Hilsen Borgen" on the title page. 

mandag den 7. marts 2016

and 47 is 45

Errata in Tristram Shandys levned og meninger 1st. danish ed. (Borgen, 1976). Copy at Vanløse Bibliotek.

søndag den 6. marts 2016

46 is 44

Errata in Tristram Shandys levned og meninger 1st. danish ed. (Borgen, 1976). Copy at Vanløse Bibliotek.

lørdag den 5. marts 2016

45 is 47

Errata in Tristram Shandys levned og meninger 1st. danish ed. (Borgen, 1976). Copy at Vanløse Bibliotek. 

fredag den 4. marts 2016

44 is 46

Readers errata in Tristram Shandys levned og meninger 1st. danish ed. (Borgen, 1976). Copy at Vanløse Bibliotek. The quite extensive errata sheet* in the 1st. danish edition informs that page 44 should be page 46. 


torsdag den 3. marts 2016


Index, manicule — or "printer's fist" in Das Leben und die Ansichten Tristram Shandy Neue Epikon Reihe, Paul List Verlag, Leipzig 1964. According to The American Dictionary of Printing and Bookmaking (1894) the manicule are number seven in the standard sequence of footnote markers.

onsdag den 2. marts 2016

Alas, pore Yo'ick!

Black page in David Jourdan's Dogpatch translation Th' life an' Opinions of Tristram Shan'y, Juntleman, As any fool kin plainly see. Voloom I. Westphalie Verlag.

tirsdag den 1. marts 2016

Ach, armer Yorick!

Black page in Das Leben und die Ansichten Tristram Shandy Neue Epikon Reihe, Paul List Verlag, Leipzig 1964.  Ach, armer Yorick!

mandag den 29. februar 2016

Berlin Leipzig

I an Berlinian antiquarian bookstore we found this edition of Das Leben und die Ansichten Tristram Shandy Neue Epikon Reihe, Paul List Verlag, Leipzig 1964. Printed at Veb Officin Andersen Nexö.  A very nice woodfilled edition. And not only at the frontcover, also on the spine, the titlepage, the colophon, through the foreword, throughout the whole book it says: Lawrence Sterne. 

"Pox take that VolkseigenerBetriebfellow!"

søndag den 28. februar 2016


"— Ah Wishes eifer mah Pappy o’ mah Mammy, o’ indeed both o’ them, as they was in duty both equally boun’ t’it, had minded whut they was about when they begot me; had they duly cornsider’d how much depended upon whut they was then doin’; thet not only the produckshun o’ a rashunal Bein’ was corncern’d in it, but thet postibly th’ happy fo’mashun an’ temperature o’ his hide, perhaps his junius an’ th’ mighty cast o’ his mind;  an’ fo’ aught they knowed to th’ contray, even th’ fo’tunes o’ his whole house might take their turn fum th’ hoomours an’ disposishuns which was then uppemost:  Had they duly weighed an’ cornsidered all thia, an’ proceeded acco’din’ly,  ah’s vahily persuaded ah sh’d haf made a quite diffrunt figger in th’ wo’ld"

— opening lines from Th' life an' Opinions of Tristram Shan'y, Juntleman, As any fool kin plainly see. Voloom I. Westphalie Verlag. This copy of David Jourdan's translation of Tristram Shandy into Al Capp's Li'l Abner Dogpatch vernacular, was purchased at the Bookfair Friends with Books in Berlin, Dec. 2015.